America to destroy Iran, Israel blames Iran of secret nulear armoury,at UNGA

Will Iran be next Iraq or Afghanistan? 17 years into the U.S. miltitary mission in Afghanistan, 49% of U.S. citizens clearly said it has mostly failed.The Guardian reported that 17 year war has been a costly disaster, deepening the country's crisis and helping to spread the violence across the region and beyond. The war which began on 7th oct 2001 with the code name operation "Enduring Freedom-Afghanistan(2001-14) and operation Freedom's Sentinel (2015-till date) is largely seen as post 9/11 reply by US which US believed was a serious attack on it's sovereignty. Intially supported by UK,Canada and later by most NATO member countries,the war has left nearly 50,000 Afghan forces,20,000 US military personnel and nearly 50,000 or more civilians killed,a total of more than a lakh people with at least 2 million losing home and another lakh left wounded (and yet seems underreported).US forces are still trapped in Afghanistan, which now Pakistan claims cannot come o...